Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

So I dropped off again somewhere back there in October I believe... I had been trying to keep up at least one posting a month but you lost me to some amazing travel experiences and a whole new shape of my yoga business... Please to explain you say? Well ok!! Here goes!

October was a wild month of travel, here are some photo's to expand, but I taught at the NIke Women's Marathon as my first official NIke gig, AMAZING. So many great people and HIGHLY recommend this race to anyone who has ever wanted to run a Marathon, I did the half. My 26.2 days might be over but 13.1 ain't bad for this old Yogini. :)

Then it was off to Tahoe! I taught at my dear friend Shayla's studio, such a beautiful place and with such beautiful people! They took my to a Burning Man Decom party, I said "what's a decom party and why do you need to decompress from Burning Man"? They laughed and dressed me up and took me out and by the end of the night said I was a natural born Burner, which is good cause I don't do drugs and apparently don't need them... They are an amazing group of people, YAY Shayla & Jake thank you! And everyone else we REALLY DID DO YOGA! These pics were just more fun to share!

Then I came through Portland to film my first DVD... I just got the rough cut and it looks AMAZING... Details to follow soon but expect that for sale after the first of the year! YAY!

Then it was off to Mexico! A very special trip for my dear friens Kelly Blunt's big birthday! I taught yoga and we soaked up sun AND Sun Salutations! We got very familiar with some new poses... Guac-asana, Margarasana, AND Cervasana! Loads of fun with detox and retox, how every good birthday should be enjoyed!

And then I had to land... As we always do, we come home... Haha, I love this pic! And the fact that someone did this to a van!

Having come to Chicago to teach some workshops and visit friends, (I graduated Columbia College Chicago some eons ago) I realized what a market there is for yoga in this cold city. I LOVE Chicago and always have. It is a vibrant, beautiful city and is full of fun, active, young professionals who like to let off some steam in a variety of ways! For instance: going to the bar and drinking copius amounts of beer (not unlike Portland), going for group runs on the lakeshore when it's 20 degrees out side, maybe just driving like a maniac or going to Bears games and getting completely FANATICAL about them losing!! Anyway the point is there is a HUGE market for yoga here, and any of you that know me understand that all that being said, these are my people!! I know them, they will get to know me and how yoga really does go with running, beer, AND Bears!!! So I've moved my friends, I have a sweet little apartment in Wrigleyville, (yes Cubs not Sox) and I hate to say it because I DO love Portland sooooo much, but I feel I am home. If Portland could get a professional football team I SWEAR I'll come back! But until that day I will still be visiting once a quarter if not more... I love you P-town, yes I do.

OK, so you know I signed with Nike and what this has done is present this amazing opportunity to create change in not only my little world but anyone's world (at least in my hopeful little mind) who recognizes a little something some people call the Swoosh. So my days lately have been filled with created projects that could combine the Swoosh and yoga, whether through running content, team sports, private classes for Nike influensors, basically any way it makes sense to get people into yoga, and sometimes even when it doesn't make sense cause if you're reading this, you know how it works! You just land in a place (pose) and give life to what you're doing in that moment in space!

So nut shell... I am living and thriving in Chicago, I will be visiting and teaching after the first of the year in Portland, details to come... The DVD will be for sale when I get there and PLEASE contact me if/when any of you are in Chicago!! Oh and Lucy loves the snow!

xoxo M